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“Uncle Pom” is bright, happy, having a holiday meal in a shabu restaurant

BANGKOK, Aug. 26 – Found "Uncle Pom" bright, happy, having a holiday meal with his children and friends at Shabu restaurant in a shopping center in the heart of the city .

Today (Aug. 26), reporters reported that General Prawit Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Pracharat Palang Party Take a day off on Saturdays. Travel to have lunch with your grandchildren and friends at Shabu restaurant in the center of the city center. by General Prawit Has a smiling face, is relaxed, talks and greets with children and friends, and dresses in Uncle Pom style. blue jacket, blue tiger, jeans, white sneakers Those who met said that General Prawit looked happy and happy, his face without any concern.

Previously, the media kept an eye on where General Prawit was silent, since MPs of the Palang Pracharat Party. Indicated that he would vote to support the Pheu Thai Party candidate. Including Prime Minister Vote Day .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency