Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Unsigned but ready to discuss.

Parliament, "Senator Wanchai" views the issue of lobbying for names and opening them for discussion as normal. Kak did not sign, but if he could submit the motion, he would join in the discussion. He looked at the opposition group, but thought it would be better to raise a question. Mr. Wanchai Sonsiri, member of the Senate (Senator), spoke about the hunt for names of Senators. to submit a general debate motion according to Section 153 that as far as following there is lobbying to give Senators come to sign Complete the amount This is normal. Even today, there are still people contacting us inviting people to come and sign. But it must be acknowledged that there are groups that disagree to discuss. Including the group that is still waiting and watching. because it is seen that there is still a period for submitting discussions 'The group that disagreed estimated that this time the list of names would not reach 84 votes. Until today, there was no movement. As far as I can follow, there are 77-78 senators wh o have signed their names, which is just a few votes short. But that doesn't mean the sound is enough. Because the names must be hunted down to exceed 84 votes because when the time for filing is near There may be members withdrawing, making it not complete with 84 votes,' Mr. Wanchai said. Mr. Wanchai said groups that disagree may lobby members not to sign. which is normal There was no conflict. This group views that the government has only been in operation for 3-4 months and the budget has not yet been used and is one group that supports this government. Therefore, there should be an opportunity to show off your skills in government administration. So there is no reason to rush the inspection engine. 'I estimate that the signature of the Senate this time is between the two. which a large group of senators who are government agencies, military and police, if there is still no movement Carrying out any matter may not be an easy task. This group has neutral and dissenting stances. But the group that is movi ng is the civil and independent senators,' Mr. Wanchai said. As for if a general discussion can be opened, will it have an impact on the government or not? Mr. Wanchai said that a general discussion does not pass a resolution, it is only a matter of questioning, interrogating, and sorting out the government. Because the Senate does not have the opportunity to vote no confidence like MPs. But it is an opportunity for the government to clarify its doubts. It is considered beneficial to both sides. But if you look at it from another perspective, it's that the Senate is about to attack the government. Or you can see the government as your opponent. Mr. Wanchai said that in opening a general discussion according to Section 153, it was clearly stated that he wanted the government to clarify and state the facts on important issues related to the administration of government. But the group of senators who presented the issues for discussion seemed too prosaic. But big important issues should be brought up for discu ssion. Therefore, the group that disagreed with the discussion thought that the issue was not yet So there's still no emotion involved. 'Whereas the 14th floor case may be an issue. I believe it will be February until we have a discussion. And at the end of March, Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra may have already left the 14th floor because he received a suspension. The event will have passed. It is better to use the method of asking questions. Personally, I did not sign up to participate in the discussion this time. Still a moderate senator, I don't agree. But if the debate can be opened If they can, they will join in the discussion as well,' Mr. Wanchai said when asked about the group opposing the discussion. This is the group that voted for Mr. Settha Thavisin to be Prime Minister. As for the group that abstained from voting, was it a group that supported the debate? Mr. Wanchai said that some people were the group that abstained from voting. And the group that did not vote for Mr. Settha is possible. Including gr oups that really see the problem, some senators think that matters that society criticizes should be brought up for discussion. And some people consider it a weapon that the Senators have never used before. So it is used in this government. It's all considered controversial. But he sees that anything can be done. Not even to the point of agreeing or disagreeing. If it's been done well It is beneficial to the people as it is a rigorous and thorough investigation. The actual content is done. Source: Thai News Agency