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Unveiling Unknown Yunnan Cuisine

YUNNAN, Yunnan Province, located in the southwestern part of China, boasts several lesser-known delicacies that some Yunnan locals might not be familiar with. Yunnan Daily introduces these foods to raise awareness. 1. Matsutake Biscuits: Made from matsutake mushrooms indigenous to Yunnan, it has gained recognition from both local and international food critics. Yunnan's matsutake was presented as a gift during the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15). 2. Macadamia Nuts: Lincang City cultivates approximately 1,090,332 rai (about 436,000 acres) of macadamia nuts, accounting for 40% of global macadamia cultivation. It stands as the world's largest macadamia nut cultivation area and includes a specialized laboratory for testing macadamia nuts, unique to Yunnan. 3. Hairy Crab: Xueping district has a long history of breeding high-quality hairy crabs, thanks to its favorable environmental conditions. Local residents in Paoxiu Township manage every step of the crab farm ing process, including breeding, selling, and local management, contributing to the community's income and village development. 4. Sturgeon Caviar: Huijue District in Qujing City is home to the largest processing and exporting center of caviar sturgeon in China. The abundant freshwater resources and favorable environmental conditions allow for the export of sturgeon caviar to European and American markets. 5. Avocado: Once imported goods into China, avocados have become more accessible since 2007 when Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County selected more than 20 avocado varieties for cultivation. Currently, this area has become the largest avocado cultivation area in the country. Source: Thai News Agency