Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Urges the Election Commission to fine money for parties who do not disclose policy details

Bangkok, April 19- "Somchai" urges the Election Commission to fine political parties that have not submitted details of party policies. Just not revealing enough must analyze the possibility, find fraud, must convict, push the burden of people to check the policy themselves Advise serious punishment according to the law If any party is found to campaign fraudulently

Mr. Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, President of Strategy for Policy Driving The Seri Ruam Thai Party and a former member of the ECT mentioned that the ECT asked 70 political parties to clarify their money campaign policies. complete according to Section 57 of the Political Party Act, 2017, due on April 18, to understand that they should be sent together but there may be some parties that have not sent which the law stipulates that If a political party fails to comply with the Election Commission's order, it will face a fine of 500,000 baht and a daily fine of 10,000 baht per day until correction is made.

Therefore, what the Election Commission must do Don't just act like someone whose job is to check the name has been sent. and not complete only But it must also take legal measures. At the meeting of the Election Commission of Thailand on April 25, the Election Commission must present the list of political parties that did not submit details. come to the meeting and resolved to fine 500,000 baht

As for the Election Commission of Thailand, all information will be disclosed on the Election Commission's website on April 21. It is seen as pushing the burden on the people who will be the auditing party themselves. want to claim that The Election Commission should analyze whether What policies fall within the scope of fraud? Because the Election Commission has the power and duty to conduct elections in an honest and fair manner, Section 73 (5) of the Election Act of MPs clearly states that If there is a campaign by deceiving misinformation in the policy it is considered a fault No petitioner needed Because the cause of the wrongdoing may be revealed to the Election Commission itself.

Therefore, when 70 parties clarify to the ECT, it is considered an appearance. The Election Commission is able to analyze whether Which policy is a fraud? and there must be a warning Or revoke the public use of such policies, which if the Election Commission does not comply, it is considered The Election Commission also ignored it.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency