Thailand Recorder

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Urges the government to draw lessons from the Tak Bai incident.

Parliament -Prachachat Party Issued a statement on the 19th anniversary of the Tak Bai tragedy. Urges the government to learn lessons in the use of power.

The Prachachat Party, led by Mr. Samut Benjalak, Mr. Worawit Baru, deputy party leader, Mr. Sukarno Matha, party secretary-general, Mr. Kamolsak Liwamo, party spokesman, issued a statement on the 19th anniversary of the Tak Bai tragedy.

Mr. Samut read a statement saying on the 19th anniversary of the Tak Bai tragedy on October 25, 2004, that 19 years have passed since the situation of violence and conflict amidst the uncertainty of the criminal justice process. and the ambiguity of the peace process in the southern border area Including other events that has caused loss to citizens in every sector It is very appropriate to learn lessons from the Tak Bai tragedy. The state, as a user of power, must be aware of the use of power in various areas. carefully In order to prevent the loss of the people from the use of power by the government itself.

“Tak Bai incident It's just one part of many. Events that can reflect loss and creates the conditions most clearly Southern border conflict situation It is necessary to urgently find a peaceful political solution. In order to prevent losses from escalating further,” said Mr. Samut.

We ask that all sectors remember the loss caused by the Tak Bai tragedy. and other events that has caused loss to our fellow citizens in the southern border area throughout the past 19 years. Join us as a driving force to create determination. in creating peace in the southern border area quickly

Mr. Kamolsak said that this announcement That doesn't mean Will come to dig up the events of the dispersal of the protest in Tak Bai. Just want to remind you of what happened. Therefore, I would like to send a message to those in power to please remember the use of violence against the villagers. and take the Tak Bai incident as a lesson in using existing power Even though there is now compensation for those who have suffered loss.

Source: Thai News Agency