Thailand Recorder

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Urges to go ahead and speak clearly about the issues in the draft amnesty bill.

Bangkok, Thanakorn urges people to move forward, speak clearly, and don't make a fuss about the draft amnesty bill. Must not include those who violate Section 112 because the reason is not a political conflict. But it is the security of the country. Don't do "disguise legal acts" to impersonate the people.

Mr. Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, list of MPs and Deputy Leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTC) gave an interview about the case of Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the Kao Klai Party, submitting a draft amnesty bill for people who have committed crimes as a result of the conflict. politics to the Speaker of the House of Representatives that when looking at the principles and reasons in the draft The said Act states that Providing a law on amnesty for people who have committed crimes from conflicts. There is a political rally. as well as having any other actions, whether physical or expressing opinions, from the event of violent political conflict. Since the protests in 2006, the seizure of state power in 2006 and 2014 until the present. leading to accusations and prosecution of many people, he viewed that in the past everyone involved in the protests Everyone respects the law. Accept the entire justice system If the law is to be rolled back, the opinions of all sides must be opened to a large extent, for fear that the draft Amnesty Act will be rejected. There may be legal disparities. It is considered a delicate process, if not careful it may have an impact.

When asked if there were many parties concerned about the draft Amnesty Act of the Forward Party Whether the Section 112 case may be included or not, Mr. Thanakorn said that the Progressive Party must clearly explain to society this issue as to the purpose of submitting the draft. What is the origin of the Amnesty Act? Regardless of whether they come from groups that support the Progressive Party, including many MPs of the Progressive Party who themselves are perpetrators of the aforementioned section, he views that the said section is not relevant to cases of political conflict. But it is a law of state security and protection of the monarchy. Therefore, he called on Mr. Chaithawat and the party to move forward. The people must be clearly explained on this matter. Don't do legal acts to disguise yourself by pretending to want to create harmony with all political parties. But is the intention of granting amnesty to those involved?

“If you don't explain clearly. It will become that the progressive party keeps referring to the people. Instead, they propose laws to favor their own people. Do the legal act to conceal yourself. When not as offered He also accused the justice process of being a legal war. It will create more conflict and division of ideas. Citizens' confidence in law enforcement has increased. I ask you to think carefully,” Mr. Thanakorn said.

Source: Thai News Agency