Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Urges to review the protection plan – “Wiroj” advises not to let the people be affected.

Parliament, Government urges government to expedite enforcement. Committee to review the protection plan to be up to date. "Wiroj" advises people not to be unduly affected - to prosecute those who claim the institution has harmed others. Mr. Natchanon Srikokuea, Songkhla MP, Bhumjaithai Party Discuss the urgent motion Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party MP and the Democrat Party Propose to ask the House of Representatives to consider reviewing measures to protect the safety of the royal convoy. The incident created uneasiness among Thai people. and the Bhumjaithai Party Because parents teach them to know right from wrong, know right from wrong, know manners, and know royalty, and they are confident that parents all over the country teach their children as well. and teachers It also teaches to love the nation, religion, and the king. But the actions of the said child Make it a victory for the people who defeated the king. and make society interested until causing a division of ideas 'What is happening today is there fore illegal and against tradition. So leave it to the parents Have introduced your own children and ask the government Accelerate coordination with relevant agencies to enforce the law. and review the protection plan to be up to date. Communicate for the public to understand to offer safety to honor His Majesty,' Mr. Natchanon said. While Mr. Wirot Lakkhanaadisorn, party list MP, Kaew Klai Party, discussed security. It is the duty of the government. that cannot cause adverse events And disrupting security measures is wrong. and the police must be aware Make the custody process as safe as possible and must not be given to the public also received the highest impact. Because they cannot force people to not feel anything at all. Therefore, police officers and related officials The Safety Dedication Act must be reviewed. By taking into account the people Do not let people be unduly affected. And there is a plan to facilitate the people in case of necessity. to keep the plan up to date as well Mr. Wirot also me ntioned the use of violence. of a group of people who show their loyalty Referring to the institution to harm others In the long run, it will only bring dishonor to the institution. 'The government must enforce the law against these people seriously and equally so that they do not have behavior that leads the institution. Used as a tool to harm and threaten others. And the government must urgently create a safe space to talk about the monarchy. apart from the council So that talking is normal. And there is no legal bullying. Because nowadays talking about the monarchy still seems to be a taboo matter,' Mr. Wirot said. Meanwhile, Mr. Wirot Discussing the use of violence by a group of people with loyalty, Mr. Kecha Saksomboon List of MPs Ruam Thai Sang Chat Party rose up to protest that Mr. Wirot's discussion off topic But Mr. Padipat Santipada, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, ruled that these were related issues. and give it to Mr. Wirot The discussion can continue. until Mr. Akaradej Wongpit akroj, Ratchaburi MP, Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party rose up to protest Mr. Padipat's performance, saying he was not impartial before there was a clash. And Mr. Padiphan still emphasizes and decides that Mr. Wirot's discussion In line with motions related to public communication and thus reduce the results of conflict. Source: Thai News Agency