Thailand Recorder

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Veterans ministry to enhance medical services for veterans

SEOUL, The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs said Tuesday it will enhance medical services for veterans and expand support for family members of soldiers and public workers who have died in service. The ministry outlined its major policy initiatives for this year, the first full year since it was upgraded into a full-scale ministry in June 2023. Under the plan, the ministry will establish new rehabilitation centers and nursing hospitals in regional veterans hospitals to provide a comprehensive system encompassing treatment, rehabilitation and care of veterans. This year, it plans to newly designate about 160 hospitals as commissioned veterans hospitals to provide easier access to medical care, which would increase the total number of designated facilities to approximately 920. The ministry said it will expand the "Heroes' Family" program launched last year, which provides scholarships and other support to the young children of soldiers, police officers, firefighters and other public servants who have died while in the line of duty. It also plans to increase compensation for veterans by 5 percent, higher than South Korea's inflation rate of 3.6 percent last year. Source: Yonhap News Agency