Thailand Recorder

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“Vikram” points out that the EV – food – medical industry has a good expansion trend.

Bangkok, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Amata Corporation Public Company Limited (AMATA) points out that the EV - food - medical industry has a good expansion trend. Mr. Vikrom Kromadit, Chairman of the Executive Board of Amata Corporation Public Company Limited (AMATA), said that there are many industries that have a good chance of expanding in Thailand, especially the EV industry, not only the production line, but also including research on with cars that use electricity and using the same engine Because it is still a period of change Therefore, it is believed that the hybrid car factory will still grow. Thailand must focus on hi-tech. Use technology to help more. As for companies that use labor, it will decrease. Another industry that will be a hero is the food industry. The problem of global warming causes the world to have production problems. Therefore, Thailand should focus on organic food, including organic food processing. As for medicine, at present the overall medical income in Thailand is ranked 2nd in the world, after the United States. Thailand has good medical development because it has good universities and modern technology. There is also cooperation with hospitals in the United States. I believe that Thai medicine will go further if tourism expands further. Today, Thai medical technology is world-class. If we can open the door for new technology to come in, Thailand will be better. Medical income in Thailand will continue to increase and may be 10-20% of the country's GDP. which medicine does not take up much space compared to hotels But can provide services to a larger number of people. As for finance and banking, there is a good trend. However, he sees that Stock Exchange Today is a pity Instead of the money market, the internal capital market will be the hero. It is a building block for the economy to go well. There was a lot of money coming in. But due to the lack of transparency in the administration Some companies may not be managed well. As a result, interest costs are high. R ight now, there are many large bond companies that are about to collapse. If there is good management, this will not be like this. For example, Singapore There are no these problems. Because the administration is well controlled and fast, while in Thailand the problem of corruption has not yet been resolved. As for the cheaters, they haven't been found. If it were China or Singapore, cheaters would have no way to escape. 'Thailand actually has a future regarding the stock market. Because the stock market is bigger than Thailand's GDP. There is a very large sum of money. This money can be used to support various projects. Therefore, it is confident that If we manage it well Do not do anything that creates conflict in society. It will make investors more confident and come invest in Thailand. However, Thailand should find strengths that have an advantage over neighboring countries. to attract investors For example, Vietnam, where Amata has invested in building industrial estates. It has many strengths compared to other countries in the same region. As for Thailand, the obvious strength is the stability of electric power. But nowadays, when I go abroad, I don't hear anyone talking about Thailand,' Mr. Vikrom said. Source: Thai News Agency