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Village health volunteers complain that the village headman was slapped in the middle of a meeting in front of hundreds of people.

Saraburi, Ban Mo Village Health Volunteers, Saraburi Province He complained that the village headman and also a village health volunteer were slapped in the middle of the meeting. In front of hundreds of attendees It made me feel very embarrassed and hurt my feelings. From the clip, it is an event during the monthly meeting of village health volunteers of Ban Mo Subdistrict, Ban Mo District, Saraburi Province. There were hundreds of people attending the meeting. In front of the stage was a female village health volunteer. and is also the village headman Came out to criticize the work of another village health volunteer, causing the person being criticized to respond that it was not true. The village headman then walked over to him. Such a village health volunteer Until the oath was challenged and arguments ensued. To the point of physically attacking each other. The village headman's daughter went to help her own mother. During that time, the village head saw the village health volunteers who were at the m eeting secretly recording the clip and became dissatisfied. Walked in and slapped the phone of the person who recorded the clip. Both scolded and tried to snatch the phone. After the incident, the injured person filed a complaint. But the police just fined the village headman and his daughter 500 baht each, making them feel unfair. Therefore, this clip was brought out to complain to the media. Because today we have to live in paranoia. Afraid of being physically harmed again Reporters went to the area and found The injured village health volunteer, aged 52 years, brought evidence of the doctor's complaint and the police report to show. In the medical certificate, it was stated that a tender spot was found in the right neck muscle and that this incident occurred on September 4 of last year. He himself went to a meeting with village health volunteers before being accused of not doing his job. So he went out to explain that it was not true. The village headman is still the leader. Village health volunteers Dis satisfied, he walked in and slapped his face hard with his hand. Ready to use your hand to block the neck. Then the village headman's daughter ran up and slapped his forehead. and used his hand to pull his hair Ready to use shoes to throw at him again. Came home and felt pain on the right side of my throat. I can't swallow my saliva. But the police only fined the other party. Make yourself feel unfair I want this case to be sent to court. and have the village headman issue a public apology Ready to be disciplined Because of the incident that happened, he felt ashamed and hurt his feelings very much. Source: Thai News Agency