Thailand Recorder

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Waiting for the court to decide on “Lieutenant Charoon” suing “Teacher Preecha” for making a false report.

Kanchanaburi - Back again with the epic case of "30 million lottery" even though the main case of the Supreme Court has given the final verdict that Teacher Preecha is not a lottery owner. But there are other cases that follow. Today the court scheduled a decision in the case that "Lieutenant Charoon" sued "Teacher Preecha" for making a false report. Police Lieutenant Charoon Wimon and his wife came to the Kanchanaburi Provincial Court together with "Lawyer Tum" Sittha Biabangkerd. Lawyer Tum said that there were 3 cases in which Lieutenant Charoon sued Mr. Preecha Krakruang or Teacher Preecha. Today the court scheduled an appointment. Listen to the verdict of 2 cases. The first case is a lawsuit against Teacher Preecha. and lawyer Worayut Bunwongsai, teacher Preecha's lawyer in the offense of colluding to file false charges Bullying others into receiving criminal punishment. The other case is a lawsuit against Teacher Preecha, Jae Ba Bin and Jay Pat, two lottery sellers. On the charge of conspiring to commi t perjury, Attorney Tum said that he personally thought the defendant was unlikely to survive. On the other hand, Lieutenant Charoon said that he would like to wait to hear the court's order to follow the court's decision. But no matter what the outcome of the case will be He will not forgive. And there is nothing to pass on to Teacher Preecha. The media also asked What would you like to say to people who buy lottery tickets? Lieutenant Charoon says good luck and asks that things don't happen to him. As for Teacher Preecha, she came to court with a smile and a new hairstyle. He greeted the media in a friendly manner and said he was doing his best in bringing evidence to the investigation. and is an exercise of legal rights The lawyer has done a good job. The media asked whether Lieutenant Charoon said he would not forgive him. Teacher Preecha replied that it depends on each person's opinion. This matter cannot be forced on anyone. Teacher Preecha also said that I'm happy during this time. Especially taking care of restaurants that open additional branches. I rarely have time to buy lottery tickets. Most of them will buy online in the Paotang app. They also end with a great saying, "The truth is the truth." Soon after, Lawyer Worayuth and his team also came to listen to the court's order. Without wanting to say anything, he said he would come out with details later. before immediately walking into the court . Source: Thai News Agency