Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Wan Nor” led the delegation to attend the ASEAN Parliamentary Assembly.

Indonesia, 6 Aug - The President of the Thai National Assembly and his delegation attended the 44th ASEAN Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) meeting from 5-11 August in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia.

Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the National Assembly, together with Members of Parliament traveled to attend the 44th ASEAN Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) during 5-11 August this year in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia. Immediately after arriving at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Mr.Putu Supadma Rudana, member of the House of Representatives of Indonesia, as Vice President of the International Parliamentary Affairs Committee, welcomed us at the special lounge.

by the Vice-President of the Committee on International Parliamentary Affairs Republic of Indonesia said it was a great honor to welcome the President of the Thai National Assembly. and the delegation who visited Indonesia to attend the 44th ASEAN Parliamentary Assembly hosted by the Republic of Indonesia By this meeting The Indonesian parliament is held during the Indonesian parliament's closed session. To allow members of the Indonesian parliament to fully participate in the meeting. At the opening ceremony of this AIPA meeting, the President of Indonesia will also travel to give a speech

The President of the Thai National Assembly said that he was pleased and honored to visit the Republic of Indonesia this time. because in the past He had been Speaker of the National Assembly once before, and this time he had the opportunity to travel to Indonesia for another meeting in 30 years, which was his first visit to Indonesia as Speaker of the National Assembly. which this time he came to attend a meeting in Bali

Then, Mr. Praphan Disayathat, the Thai ambassador Indonesia in honor that the President of the Thai Parliament and the delegation also visited the Republic of Indonesia this time .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency