Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Warning to criticize and satirize court decisions Be careful of fines and imprisonment.

Constitutional Court, Constitutional Court Warning to criticize and satirize court decisions show malice Be careful of fines and imprisonment. Mr. Worawit Kangsasitiam, President of the Constitutional Court Said after the Constitutional Court There was a unanimous decision for Mr. Pitha. Limcharoenrat List of MPs from the Kao Klai Party, once serving as party leader Including the Move Forward Party, stop doing actions and expressing opinions. and other interpretations which are proposed amendments to Section 112 of the Criminal Code and prohibit such amendments to the law. Because it is an exercise of freedom. In order to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State, the decision of the Constitutional Court There are those who agree. and disagree But please realize that Dishonest criticism of judgments and using vulgar, sarcastic, or spiteful words There will be an offense of contempt of court. According to the Organic Act, drawing on the procedures of the Constitutional Cour t. Punishment ranges from a warning to a fine not exceeding 50,000 baht, including imprisonment. Source: Thai News Agency