Thailand Recorder

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We talked for a long time before being driven from the party.

Padipat" explains that he had talked about progressing for a long time before he was expelled, emphasizing his reason for wanting to be Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives. For the benefit of the people Confident that it will not affect the performance of duties I would like to go home and spend some time thinking before deciding to join a new party.

Mr. Padipat Santipada, MP for Phitsanulok, First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Statement of clarification after the Kaewklai Party resolved to expel him from the party that Because the Progressive Party wants to be the leader of the opposition. Therefore, he was unable to make himself the Vice-President of the Council. He had to resign from being the Vice-President of the Council. But it is seen that the resignation will affect the advancement of the legislative agenda that was promised to the people and the House of Representatives. Therefore, after the party has advanced, there will be a new executive committee. He therefore expressed his intention to continue serving as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, causing his membership in the Moving Forward Party to end.

“The reasons used for this decision That is, the remaining term of the House must be used. This drives policy to raise the level of transparency in the work of the House of Representatives. High efficiency and belongs to the people as stated. He wants to perform the duties of Vice President of the Council. Neutrally towards all political parties and people, regardless of which political party they belong to. Confirm that the change of affiliation will definitely not affect your duties and plans as Vice President of the Council, and are confident that your performance of duties will be more beneficial to taking care of the welfare of the people of Phitsanulok,” Mr. Padipat said.

Mr. Padipat said the party's decision had gone a long way in expelling himself from the party. It is not a short-term decision. But we've been talking for a while now. After this, you have 30 days to find a new affiliation. The political party you want to belong to must have a consistent political ideology. cannot cross terminals They cannot join a political party that conflicts with their ideology.

When asked if he still feels like he is a progressive party or not, Mr. Padipat said that the feeling cannot be prevented. But de facto he has not been involved with the Progressive Party since he assumed the position of Deputy Speaker of the House, so his feelings have been prepared since then.

In the future, if the parliament is dissolved Or will he return to join the Kao Klai Party after his term ends? Mr. Padipat said that he would like this to be a future matter. Because it's still a long time. Now let's make the best decision in this moment first.

When asked if many people viewed it as a conspiracy to maintain the position of Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Padipat said that it was a right that could be criticized.

“This expulsion of the party has come a long way. He believes it was a difficult and careful decision. If you ask whether it is a conspiracy for anyone's benefit or not, it probably isn't. But due to constitutional limitations, it is necessary to find the best solution. Because if he decides to confirm this approach The Forward Party has no opportunity to choose another path,” Mr. Padipat said.

When asked whether it was a political game or not being straightforward like the Kao Klai Party had set the standard for, Mr. Padipat said that it was his right to criticize.

When asked to reiterate that it was fair to talk to the party about moving. Or the Thai Sang Thai Party or not? Mr. Padipat said he had not yet officially discussed it.

As for how much time it will take to decide which political party he belongs to, Mr. Padipat said he has 30 days. Today is only day 1 and he will ask for time to return to Phitsanulok Province to be with his family. Stay with the area and gradually understand the political future. There's still time to decide.

When asked whether or not he had assessed that if he had gone too far, Will the people in the area accept it as belonging to the old party or not? Mr. Padipat said that can be clarified. We do not have a clue. Everything said is straightforward. And for what reasons? And in the future it will be a testament to whether the promises made to the people have been fulfilled or not.

As for the acceptance of members of the House of Representatives, Mr. Padipat said that the number one party is not the executive branch. and is not the chairman of the council It hinted at an abnormality. But I believe that every member of the House of Representatives is professional and mature. Therefore, anything that is in accordance with the principles according to regulations Everyone must comply. Therefore, he was not worried about political games, while government MPs encouraged him to do his duty.

When asked that he is now considered a nominee of the Forward Party As with the accusation that Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the House of Representatives, is a nominee of the Pheu Thai Party or not, Mr. Padipat said that this would be unfair to other parties that have leaders. You can have dignity.

Source: Thai News Agency