Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Wirot” agrees with “Suthin” in proposing amendments to the law regulating the Defense Council.

Bangkok, "Wiroj" agrees with "Suthin" in proposing to amend the law to adjust the Defense Council and determine the qualifications for appointing generals. It is recommended that if you fix it, you have to fix it to the core. Reaffirm the principle of the military being subordinate to the civilian government. If it is fixed in a superficial way, the opportunity will be lost. Thanadet supports eliminating the Super Board. Mr. Wirot Lakkhanaadisorn, Party list MP, Progressive Party and Chairman of the Military Commission. Referring to the case of the Defense Council meeting on April 19, where Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defense As Chairman of the Defense Council There has been a proposal for the Defense Council to approve the draft amendment. Ministry of Defence's Government Organization Act and the Draft Military Court Constitution Act said that he agreed with the amendments to both Acts, but there was only a point that he would like to make additional suggestions to the Minister of Defense about ame nding the Ministry of Defense Civil Service Act. Must be corrected to the point The main goal is to make the military cease to be a state within a state and be under a civilian government. The Defense Council should have a framework with the authority to advise the Minister of Defense only. The right to protest should exist only on important issues. There should be no influence over ministerial decisions. Therefore, the number of members of the Defense Council In addition to decreasing The proportion of civilians in the Defense Council should also be increased. In addition, the appointment of military officers at the level of generals There should be clear criteria and transparency. For the Military Court Act The key is to give the judiciary a greater role. Military courts should only be used in times of war. and the structure of the military court There must be effective checks and balances. between judges, prosecutors and lawyers because if the military court is suspected by military officers of being unfa ir or can lobby and use authority at the command level to intervene There is a great risk of violence and a vigilante system in the military circles. Just like the case that happened in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 'Amendment of these two laws must be amended to the core. If you fix it on the surface It will be a huge lost opportunity,' Mr. Wirot said. Thanadet Pengsuk, Member of Parliament for Bangkok, District 13, Kao Klai Party, as the person who proposed the draft Ministry of Defense Civil Service Act The Move Forward Party version said that it would like to praise and support the progress of making corrections. Ministry of Defense Civil Service Act He hopes to see the courage and sincerity of the Minister of Defense in moving forward with military reform. Or it can be called joint development according to the Prime Minister's words. In the form of the Forward Party We also propose to amend Section 25 so that the appointment of generals will be made on a merit-based basis. Select people with standard qu alifications for various positions. By requiring a committee set up by government agencies to consider this in the first step. Then forward it to the Minister of Defense for consideration according to the Ministry's criteria. cut what is called 'Super Board' in the original law, which was set up to reduce the role of the Minister of Defense Let it be like a rubber stamp of approval only. 'This important issue is that if Mr. Suthin does not eliminate the Super Board in order to bring power back to the Minister of Defense. It can be interpreted that the final hope is to see the military under the civilian government through efforts to amend the law. It may fade,' Mr. Thanadet said. Source: Thai News Agency