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Stopping the government from inserting digital money into the budget ’68

Parliament, Going further than the government's digital agenda. Wallets cannot enter the budget in '68 because the budget limit is not conducive. It is believed that the budget will drag on until 2070. Taunting and asking the people to come to terms with it. They may not get 50 million people - they won't accept it once. 10,000 once Mr. Chulphong Yookaset, MP for the Kao Klai Party, stated that according to the government announcement, money will be distributed according to the digital wallet project in October. This year, 10,000 baht was given to 50 million people each, but they couldn't answer where the money would come from. If it's really going to be distributed in October this year It is expected that the government will take the project expenditure limit and put it in the 2025 expenditure budget, which will begin disbursing in October this year. which is the start of the fiscal year. But such a large amount of money cannot be put into a single year's budget. It will be gradually added in the next fisc al year until it is complete. Mr. Chulaphong said that if the government were to raise money by issuing an emergency decree (Royal Decree), it would not meet the conditions. But if you raise money by issuing an Act (Act), a loan under Section 53 may not meet the conditions. Because if Thailand's economic condition is stable, it is not a crisis. In addition, the government will probably consider the recommendations of the Council of State and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). Mr. Chulphong said that if the government plans to put 500,000 million baht in the budget for 2025, it is not possible. Because the budget framework does not allow it to be done. The government can do it in the only way, which is to gradually bring the amount of 500,000 million baht, some such as 200,000 million baht, into the budget of 2025, budget of 2026, and budget of 2027, which time is just right for there to be another general election in 2027.' I will follow and watch the draft budget for 2025 that will go to the H ouse of Representatives around June. This year, I am hopeful that the government will be able to do this after many delays. And I ask the people to keep in mind that if they receive money under the digital wallet project, they may not receive 10,000 baht at once and they may not receive the full amount of 50 million people,' said Mr. Chulaphong. Source: Thai News Agency