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A famous monk was arrested and raped a woman. Threatening – recording obscene clips

Kalasin, A famous monk has been arrested for raping a woman. Recording obscene clips - threatening to kill husband Ready to seize firearms and drugs Before taking control Initially, he still denies it. Simply say, "It's karma." After yesterday (March 31) "Gun Jom Phalang" along with the police Kuchinarai Police Station and the government Went to the area to follow up on the case of a monastery in Kuchinarai District Secretly having an affair with a 48-year-old woman and recording a blackmail clip Sending naked pictures while having a relationship with the victim Give it to family members and send it to humiliate your husband. and possession of firearms It is often claimed that It is used in various ceremonies. and used a firearm to strike a woman in the face. shot in the arm Forcing a woman to break up with her husband Threatened to kill and shot her husband in the head and also has a habit of taking drugs Until this woman's daughter sent a request for help to "Gun Jom Phalang" and reported it to Kuchinarai Police Station When officers raided the scene of the monastery In Lao Yai Subdistrict which is the residence of the monk who caused the crime An arrest warrant has been issued since March 19th. After being reported by the victim on charges of raping another person into doing something By causing fear that there will be danger to life, body, and freedom by having a weapon. According to an arrest warrant from the Kalasin Provincial Court But when they arrived at the scene, they couldn't find the monk statue. From examining the area behind the monastery Found traces of the use of tiles as targets for shooting guns. A magazine and some shell casings were found. The officials then kept them all as evidence. 'Kan Jom Phalang' said that this monk is quite famous in Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Province has students up to the adult level. But he secretly had a deep relationship with the mother of the young woman who came to complain. which the father does not know Between the monk and his mother, they had a relatio nship for 2 years. There was often abuse, threats, and secretly filming many clips to blackmail. and send these clips to family to see The 48-year-old woman said that she admitted to having made a mistake. Immoral and unethical in the beginning But when you feel guilty and want to turn around It can't be done anymore. Because throughout the period of association with the said statue He tried to stop the relationship that had gone too far. But was threatened with a gun and often physically harmed, forced to do such things until the present Therefore, he consulted with the family and took the matter to file a legal action against the monk and asked for help from "Kan Jom Phalang" because he did not want to make any more mistakes and did not want the said monk to do it to other people again. In the middle of the night, the Investigation Team Region 4 of the Kalasin Provincial Police and the Investigation Team of the Kuchinarai Police Station They arrested Phra Chaichana, age 47, the accused according to an arr est warrant. Along with confiscating a quantity of firearms and methamphetamine at a temple in Udon Thani Province before being taken into custody to go on leave. and brought in for questioning at Kuchinarai Police Station This morning, police detained the former monk who caused the incident. They searched his residence and found four blank guns, ammunition and 14 methamphetamine tablets. While the former monk was in custody. Reporters tried to inquire about the story. But the former Phra Chaichana did not give an interview. But simply said "It's karma" and denied it. By giving evidence in court and wait for the lawyer to give the information Currently in the process of contacting a lawyer to fight the case. Pol. Col. Methaphong Bunsri, superintendent of Kuchinarai Police Station, stated that initially the accused testified in denial. By asking to testify in court After interrogation, they will be sent to jail. and will oppose bail Due to the behavior of threatening the victim and escaped. Source: Thai Ne ws Agency