Thailand Recorder

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Accelerate the raising of farmers’ income 3 times in 4 years.

Bangkok, The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives moves forward with policies on the occasion of the 132nd anniversary of its founding, aiming for Thai farmers to increase their income three times in four years and drive the Thai agricultural sector. To raise standards to the world stage Recently, the prices of many agricultural products have continued to increase. Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Make merit by offering rice and dry food to monks and pay homage to the sacred objects of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives On the occasion of the 132nd anniversary of the founding of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, with Mr. Chaiya Promma, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mr. Anucha Nakasai, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mr. Prayoon Insakul, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. and executives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives participated in the area in front of the Min istry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Then chaired the opening of an academic seminar on the development of the Thai agricultural sector. To raise standards to the world stage On the occasion of the 132nd anniversary of the founding of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and the special lecture 'Driving the Thai agricultural sector To increase income 3 times in 4 years under 9 policies The Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives said Ministry of Agriculture It is a ministry that is extremely important to the well-being of farmers and the Thai people. This is because it is the main ministry responsible for overseeing the country's agricultural sector. which has more than 30 million people in the agricultural sector, is an important resource base and the main income generating base of the country. But the agricultural sector still faces significant challenges, especially for farmers with a higher average age. There is traditional production and reliance on nature. Experiencing problems due to the ch anging climate Faced with price problems from substandard production and selling products as raw materials without value-added processing. The problem of illegal importation of agricultural products, which destroys market mechanisms, drags down prices, and creates serious contagious disease problems, etc., has caused the government sector to provide assistance and compensation with a large budget, which over the past 7 months The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has accelerated the drive Both went to the area to listen to farmers' problems in order to hasten to solve various problems fully and continuously. and has given policies to the executives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to push forward 9 important policies and orders in order to drive the agricultural sector to achieve the goal of Thai farmers to increase their income 3 times in 4 years, resulting in the past results Its operations are evident to farmers all over the country. Ministry of Agriculture Ready to drive operations as the Prime Minister announced the Thailand Vision on February 22, 2024. The important vision and direct mission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives is Vision of the Food Hub (Agriculture and Food Hub), in which the government will raise the level of agricultural industry production. Make Thailand fertile: "There are fish in the water, there is rice in the fields, there must be money in your pocket," including other visions that the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives must support and push to achieve the goal. This causes the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to think again and act quickly. To meet the needs, VISION THAILAND thinks and plans to develop the entire system. Then take action in order of importance. It must be driven concretely at the local level. All departments must join in integration in their work. To lay the foundation for systematic development at the local level To be able to solve the problem of poverty and improve the quality of life of farmers. and prepare to ent er the 133rd year of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives To raise the level of work to lay the foundation for the development of the agricultural sector in line with the changing directions of the world. By using the factors of change as a driving force for development and seeking cooperation from all sectors. Towards the goal of creating increased income and a better quality of life for farmers. Mr. Chaiya Phromma, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, said that From now on it will be a new dimension of the Ministry of Agriculture. We must see that farmers have a better quality of life. Can open eyes and mouth Erase the image of the past that compared farmers as the backbone of the nation, which is decaying every day. By stepping into modern agriculture under the government policy of Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, according to the policy of "leading markets, additional innovations, increasing income" that is not a traditional production process. But we focus on innovation and techn ology to enhance knowledge for farmers. To increase production efficiency and increase farmers' income sustainably. The Office of Agricultural Economics (Agricultural Economics Office) reports on the current direction of agricultural product prices that Since the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has moved forward with various policies In particular, strictly suppressing the illegal importation of agricultural products. Focusing on upgrading agricultural products Accelerate the resolution of the problem of falling agricultural product prices. Put in place measures to deal with disasters. Diseases of plants and animals Increasing the efficiency of water management services during the drought crisis and the lack of rain. As well as managing to increase the amount of water costs for agricultural activities, it appears that it has a positive effect on the prices of many important agricultural products that have a continuous improvement direction, including rice, rubber, oil palm, coconut, pineapple, raw m ilk, and pigs. When looking at the direction The price of each type of product will be found Jasmine rice ( 15% humidity) price began to increase from November 2023 at 13.29 baht/kg., increasing to 14.60 baht/kg. in March 2024. Rice paddy ( 15% humidity) price began to increase from November 2023 at 10.74 baht/kg., increasing to 12.50 baht/kg. in March 2024. In this regard, the price of rice has increased. This is partly due to the government's measures to stabilize the price of rice paddy. To slow down the production during the period when it is in the market. Do not let the price of rice fall. There is a credit project to delay the sale of rice paddy. Loan project to collect rice and create added value by farmer institutes and a project to compensate rice traders for their interest in stock keeping. coupled with decreased production from the El NiƱo phenomenon Meanwhile, foreign demand is increasing to compensate for the decreasing domestic rice supply and wanting to reserve rice for the country's food s ecurity. Including India announcing the suspension of exports of white rice that is not Basmati rice. As a result, many countries have switched to purchasing more rice from Thailand. Therefore, it is a driving force for the price of Thai rice to increase. Rubber: The price of raw rubber sheets, class 3, at the end of March averaged at 83.15 baht/kg, increasing from the price as of September 2023 at an average price of 45.51 baht/kg. The price began to increase continuously due to policies from the government in Suppression and inspection of illegal imports of rubber and agricultural products from flooding into neighboring countries are also a result of measures to support the use of rubber in the country. including from market demand Industry recovery both at home and abroad Especially the automotive group, etc. Oil palm currently has an average price of 5.40 baht/kg., an increase from September 2023 at a price of 5.06 baht/kg. This is due to January 2024 being a period when the output to the market decreas ed. Meanwhile, the demand for vegetable oils in the world market is increasing. In addition, the government through the MWA has agreed to set measures regarding the purchase of oil palm fruit. along with assigning a sub-committee to manage palm oil balance Follow the oil palm and palm oil situation closely. To manage the amount of production, use and export, including the amount of palm oil stocks, at a balanced level. And there is enough to meet domestic demand, so the price of palm fruit is still good. Coconut currently has an average price of 15 baht/fruit, increasing from September 2023 at a price of 7.90 baht/fruit due to decreased production. while the demand for use increases And the government has import management measures in order to balance the amount of coconut production released into the market with the proportion of imported quantity and domestic consumption. Pineapple: Currently, the average price of Batavia pineapples sent to factories is 12.00 baht/kg. The price has increased from Septembe r 2023 at 8.37 baht/kg, which is a result of the government's policy to deal with natural disasters. In order to produce quality products that meet market demand. As a result, the output is of good quality and the output is insufficient to meet the needs of the processing factory. Due to the inclement weather, less produce was released to the market than in the same period last year. Raw milk currently has an average price of 20.21 baht/kg., an increase from the September 2023 price of 19.65 baht/kg. This is because the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has announced an increase in the average price for purchasing cow milk at raw milk collection centers. To help farmers pigs since the current government began performing its duties has taken steps to seriously crack down on the smuggling of illegal pigs. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has integrated with relevant agencies, ISOC, provinces, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), and the police to inspect more than 2,000 cold stora ge locations nationwide, causing the price of pigs to increase. Currently, the average pig price is 66.00 baht/kg, increasing from the October 2023 price of 64.25 baht/kg. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Will continue to drive operations in every aspect according to policies and plans. To raise the quality of agricultural products and prices of agricultural products. Solving the problems of farmers' livelihoods Eat well and live well. Have a good quality of life Agricultural sector grows and farmers have a steady increase in income. Source: Thai News Agency