Thailand Recorder

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“Chaithawat” leads the army forward with 4 strategies, 2 missions.

Chaithawat” moves forward with 4 strategies, 2 missions, leading the army “forward” and accelerating the expansion of the member base. Work to be stronger. Emphasizing that politics after this is a struggle between electoral elite politics and public sector politics. Saying that Thai political problems cannot be solved Because the coup was allowed It is not considered the overthrow of the government. Look back if you post on Facebook in a way that people in power don't want to see. You may have to go to prison for ten years. or may be deprived of political rights for life

Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the Kao Klai Party Speaking on stage at the activity "Moving forward, moving forward throughout the country" at the West Sports Building 1, Bangkok Youth Center. (Thai-Japanese) Din Daeng said that this was the largest meeting of party members of the Progressive Party that had ever been held. This will be an important direction that will allow the party to move forward and have the people participate as much as possible.

Today he stands in place of Pitha Limjaroenrat. But he would like to announce as the new party leader that Although the leader of the Forward Party has changed But the future Prime Minister of the Progressive Party will not change. He is still the same Pitha Limcharoenrat. Today, as the new leader of the Progressive Party. Therefore, I would like to talk about the political path of the party and a new chapter in Thai politics.

There are many people who say There has been a change from a totalitarian regime. towards democracy, he thought, it would not be like that Because we see the establishment of a government that does not respect the voice of the people. And the second problem with Thai politics is that the centralized state is a system that blocks Thai politics. full of corruption Not responsible to the people This matter of decentralizing government power is decentralizing power like the governor and CEO, and we have seen monopoly capital. Including the political problem of a privileged state of law. Where the law is not the law Equality before the law does not exist. Legal system and justice process It exists to protect and serve certain groups of people. It does not have the goal of protecting and protecting everyone's rights and freedoms. And if you want fairness in this country Do not seek universal justice, but rather submit and accept the privileges of Thai people. When accepting, bow your head. You will receive kindness.

“These problems in Thai politics cannot be solved because in the past Thai politics was the politics of the elite. that allows a coup at any time If you bring in tanks to seize power It is not considered the overthrow of the government. But if you post on Facebook in a way that those in power don't want to see don't want to hear You may have to go to prison for ten years. Or they may be deprived of political rights for life,” Mr. Chaithawat said.

Mr. Chaithawat further said that Thai politics is a politics that allows people to go to the polls for a period of time. But he did not allow supreme power to belong to the people. This is what they would like to call. 'Democracy with the people as its ornament' and elite politics is a politics that allows competition in the electoral system. It is a competition for power. and take turns dividing positions and chairs But elite politics does not compete to change Thai society in the traditional way.

“Many people may say Don't think too much. We have come to depend on them, so believe that people cannot create change. Until the real homeowner gives permission,” Mr. Chaithawat said.

Therefore, what he wants to say is to try to leave the politics of the old elite. It has become an important problem of the era that cannot be avoided any longer. After the Tom Yum Kung crisis There is a major effort to reform Thai society. There is a new constitution. The struggle between the two groups of political elites resulted in a huge conflict. Many people died and many were prosecuted. But another thing happened. creating a new consciousness among the people Many citizens want political change. and want to bring about national reform This is a new consciousness that has arisen. And after fighting for almost 20 years, they came back to join hands. And they discovered the danger of the elite, a new consciousness.

However, the threat to elite politics is the politics of the people. Therefore, he would like to say that In the current situation What is happening is not a transition from dictatorship to democracy. But it is a transition between the traditional elite and the electoral elite. Change the struggle into electoral elite politics. with the politics of the people And this is the political foundation of the current government. It will be the beginning of a new chapter in Thai politics from now on.

Mr. Chaithawat also said that As the leader of the Moving Forward Party, I would like to say that the important goal of the Moving Forward Party is that we must push forward. must change What elite politics says is impossible. Let it be something that Thai society cannot deny any longer. Under this goal The Progressive Party will have four important strategies and two immediate missions: to build a strong Progressive Party; It can truly be a political institution, and today's work is a starting point. Therefore, I would like to invite you to help expand party membership. Help expand public participation. and help each other plant the flag of thought Make the party move forward and change together when the period of change arrives.

Strategy 2 is the opposition in the House of Representatives. that must act as a check and balance for the executive branch Himself as the leader of the new party Promise to act as an honest check and balance on the executive branch. Not considerate of anyone as has been proven before. Aggressive with content

The third strategy is proactive opposition. In this matter, he requested permission from Mr. Pitha. Limcharoenrat The Advisory Chairman of the Forward Party leader came to explain.

Strategy number 4 is to freeze old areas. Penetrate new areas Which areas do people trust? must work quickly to prove that We work like no other. How to create change This is what we need to help each other do. As for which areas have not yet won the election? I invite you to make the party stronger. and help each other find the House of Representatives

By after this The Progressive Party will create a mechanism for people to participate in the selection process. local at every level The goal is not to create canvassers in major elections. but wants to push for decentralization in centralization

And the final mission is to work together to push for a new constitution that comes from the people. Therefore, I would like to help campaign for a referendum on whether or not we want a new constitution to be drafted and all MPs must come from the people.

Mr. Chaithawat also said that All that he has said, he knows that many people are sad, many people are hopeless. Many people shed tears Because the Forward Party won the election. but unable to form a government But he wanted to say From now on, let's bring tears Put regrets behind And there's nothing to regret anymore How much change have we helped together today? Therefore, we must join hands to create change. Achieve the goal together, move forward, move forward throughout the country

Source: Thai News Agency