Thailand Recorder

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“Chulapan” hopes casinos will generate hundreds of billions of baht.

Ministry of Finance,, "Chunlapan" hopes Entertainment Complex will create investment of hundreds of billions. Pulling gambling money on the ground Issue strict rules Collect service fees through the door Filtering into casinos Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance Revealed that as chairman of the committee (committee) special consideration Studying the opening of a complete entertainment venue (Entertainment Complex) House of Representatives Revealed that when asking for opinions and studying additional details, preparing to introduce a plan to open a full-service entertainment venue (Entertainment Complex) presented to the meeting The Cabinet will consider it soon and must present it to the Royal Decree. To ask for opinions in various aspects regarding the law Setting up casino complexes and enacting laws to regulate them What type of law will it be? Draft law according to the proposal of the committee to consider opening a full-service entertainment venue. It is also proposed to set up a p olicy committee. Responsible for supervision to cover all aspects. both issuing licenses Setting up the place The enactment of child legislation is the driving mechanism. To designate people to use the service To provide preliminary screening for those with high purchasing power, such as collecting a service fee for entering the casino at 4-5 thousand baht per time. If relatives or family members Reported to be a gambling addict When checking ID card will be prohibited from using the service, prohibiting children and youth from getting involved Comprehensive entertainment venue Therefore, we focus on only certain groups. Both Thai and foreign tourists with purchasing power go to use the service. Not open to the general public Currently, this group of people already gambles along the border. There is a tracking system to prevent money laundering from various groups. Hope to bring gambling Illegal things up on the ground It is expected that there will be investment of 1-150 billion baht, generating tax income. and other income of 4-50 billion baht per year When Thailand has more potential than neighboring countries Therefore, it should be pushed to happen. Similar to foreign countries such as Japan and Singapore. By the report of the committee (committee) for special consideration. Studying the opening of a complete entertainment venue The location of the casino establishment was not clearly specified. But it is proposed to be located in a zone linked to important tourist attractions. Close to the airport, there are hotels and accommodations to create income linked to tourism. and create employment Ready to propose using the income to set up a fund for development in various areas. including the development of communities nearby the complex educational development and various aspects of society regarding casino complexes Therefore, it is necessary to study and present opinions to many additional agencies. Source: Thai News Agency