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“Kaeng Tat Kha” is bustling with tourists flocking to play in the water to cool down.

Loei 25 Mar.- so bustling! Tourists flock to "Kaeng Tat Kha" water to cool down after the temperature approaches 40 degrees Celsius.

In Loei Province, the temperature is approaching 40 degrees Celsius. Tourists flock to play in the water to cool off at Kaeng Tat Kha, Ban Kaeng Muang, Nam Thun Sub-district, Tha Li District. This rapid is in the Huang River. which is the border line between Thailand and the Lao People's Democratic Republic It is a rapid with beautiful rocks. recreation spot Play in the water to cool down the heat of the villagers and develop it as a resting place for playing in the water. which after the water level has decreased You will see rocks that alternate with each other. Some spots are small waterfalls, the water is very clear, tourists flock to sit on the rocks. Bring food down to eat and play in the water by soaking it all day. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency