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Made the mistake of giving information to a thief, what should I do? | Be sure before sharing CyberUpdate??

It cannot be denied that nowadays criminals are hidden in almost every lifestyle activity. They trick us into losing both money and personal information, including fake phone calls, fake SMS, fake Line, fake websites, and fake Facebook pages. Many times these channels are created ingeniously. Until we didn't notice This causes many people to make the mistake of losing their personal information and assets to online thieves. Until there is concern about whether there are any risks like this or not? So what should I do? Today , be sure before sharing CyberUpdate??. There is an answer from Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet Apawasin, Deputy Commissioner of the Police Investigation into Technology Crimes. Royal Thai Police Let's relieve everyone's worries. Question: I received a call from a scammer. What should I do? 'I received a call from a strange number. Is there a chance of your data being hacked?' 'Dealing with fraudsters' phone numbers.' 'What should you do if fraudsters call you?' Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet answers: In form the telephone network. to close that number If you answer the phone and are not sure whether it is a scammer or not. Recommended to hang up. and asked to be the one to return the phone call Because if it is the number of a real agency or official Of course we will be able to call you back. Question: I accidentally told you my bank account number. Do I have to close the account? 'Telling the account number and the name of our bank account for others to know Will someone be able to steal my account?' 'Is it okay if I was tricked into sending my account number?' 'Is it dangerous to send my ID card and account number to a stranger?' Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet Apawasin answered: Not to the point of having to close the account. But it is recommended that you call the bank and inform them that they will request to block online transactions and set a limit on the amount used. Question: Criminals can take our account. Is it possible to account for horses? 'Tell the fraudster your account number. Risk being a hor se account?' Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet Apawasin answers: The horse account is not something that can be easily done. If the criminal wants to turn our account into a horse account. You must verify your identity by scanning your face. Scams to watch out for are loan applications. Apply for a job online that has a system to scan your face. Because criminals may use a picture of our face to scan into a bank application. Transfer money until the account is empty. Or you can pretend to be the owner of the account. Question: I already told the identity card number to the criminal. Do I have to get a new card? 'Is it dangerous for a criminal to know your ID card number?' 'Is it dangerous to tell a fraudster your ID card? What should I do?' 'Is it dangerous for others to know your ID card number?' 'Is your ID card information leaked? What danger will happen?' Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet Apawasin answered: There is no need to get a new card. Because the ID card number is the same number for life. But if you give the number on the back of your ID card and feel uncomfortable You can go do it again. Question: The culprit obtained the credit card number. Is this dangerous? 'Accidentally giving out my credit card number, is that a problem?' 'Is it dangerous to tell others my credit card number?' 'How important are credit card numbers?' 'What can other people do with my account number?' 'Give credit card numbers. Can anyone else?' Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet Apawasin answered: You have to check to see if the culprit got the 3-digit number on the back of the card. If the culprit did, The cardholder should call the bank and request cancellation. or request a new card Otherwise, the criminal may use the card number to make online transactions. And I repeat! Before making any online transactions, always check the credibility of the website. Even though the 5 situations above may not seem very serious because they are just losing personal information. or transaction card only No property has been lost yet. But what's even better is not g etting hit at all. Therefore, knowing how to prepare to deal with new forms of cyber threats is a very important step towards safety. Readers can follow other cyber danger content at Be Sure Before Sharing | Cyber ??Danger Source: Thai News Agency