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North Korea withdraws from the 2022 Asian Para Games.

China North Korea Withdrew from the 2022 Asian Para Games in China after Wada banned North Korean athletes from competing under their own flag.

North Korea has announced its withdrawal from the 2022 Asian Para Games, scheduled for October 22-28 in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned North Korean athletes from competing under the national flag. own North Korea's failure to follow WADA's guidelines on the use of banned substances A spokesman for the 2022 Asian Para Games confirmed that North Korea has withdrawn from the competition. The decision was made after Vada's punishment.

Previously, North Korea did not allow testing of North Korean athletes for doping. But news sources have revealed that In the future, foreign doping inspection units will be assigned to take care of this matter. To prevent problems that will follow in the future. The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has allowed North Korea to compete under its own flag. But Vada has warned the OCA that if they do that, OCA will suffer the consequences of what it has done. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency