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Internal Affairs

Opening the stage to brainstorm ideas among Songkhla people.

Songkhla, 'Niphon-Sanphet-Madame Dear' opens a forum to brainstorm ideas among Songkhla people. Encourage the government to decentralize the budget and allow citizens to design their own tax expenditures. Mr. Niphon Boonyamanee, former Deputy Minister of Interior, along with Ms. Watanya Bunnag, Mr. Samart Ratchapolsit, former MP, and Mr. Sanphet Boonyamanee, Songkhla MP, opened a brainstorming forum with Songkhla residents for Design the city of Songkhla in the topic "Want to see what Songkhla is like... you can tell," Mr. Niphon said in the lead question. What do the citizens want to see in Songkhla? Whether it is infrastructure, economy, politics, society, environment and quality of life. Including where do you want to go in Thailand? Ms. Wattanya said that nowadays developed countries and their people have a good quality of life. Most of them are decentralizing power and creating political participation of the people. Whether a country is communist or democratic, China for example has some of the strong est local government in the world. Each county can make its own decisions. There is no need to go back and ask the central government, such as Shenzhen, which has developed leaps and bounds into a city of technology because they can make decisions about spending tax money all by themselves, whether it is to reduce or increase. It will naturally attract investors. and increase purchasing power in order to collect more taxes While Switzerland has direct democracy. Whether it is selecting MPs or state representatives If any state wants a new football field He then allowed the people to vote on whether there would be a football field or not. In order to truly participate in the local area Ms. Wattanya said that even though these two countries have regimes that are extremely opposite to each other, But what both of them do is decentralize power to local government in order to create progress for the country. Looking back at Thailand The southern region brings in a lot of income to the country. But the revenue do es not come to the region for the people to decide to use the budget realistically. But go back to the central area and gradually allocate it again. Even though we should have the right to collectively design the cities and lives we want. Soon there will be blood to establish a Provincial Administrative Organization, which is a good time for us to push this issue both at the local and national levels. Mr. Sanphet took the problems discussed to discuss in the House of Representatives in order to emphasize the problems and needs of the people to the relevant agencies after many matters had already been discussed 11 times. The matters received included: 1. The Conch Shell Aquarium of the Ministry of Education that is intended to be the largest in ASEAN. A budget of 1,300 million was spent, but it was not completed after 16 years of construction, and the villagers did not receive any benefit, reflecting the problem of the central government bringing in the budget. without asking the needs of the people in the a rea 2. The local fishing profession is stagnant. 3. The problem of monkeys is causing problems for people in many places in the country, including Songkhla, but solving the problem must wait for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. If he doesn't give us a budget, we can't do anything. Therefore, decentralization is important. 4. Regarding roads and roads, localities should be able to manage themselves. To meet the needs of real users 5. As for the equal marriage law that has now been considered by the House of Representatives, Madam Dear Watanya is one of the people pushing this law. Mr. Sanphet emphasized that he has not forgotten his brothers and sisters who voted to enter the House of Representatives. No matter what happens, it will be here. follow the ideology Be the best you can be in opposition. Because I believe that wherever I am, I can work as well. If we are not seeking benefits, we are ready to perform all kinds of duties. 'Sell the cows that I can sell. But I don't sell my prid e. As befits the people of Songkhla who trust me,' Mr. Sanphet said. Mr. Samart's side Referring to the government's resolution of the problems of southern people that Hat Yai Monorail Project at Mr. Niphon This project has been proposed since the time he was the Provincial Administrative Organization president. Until now, the budget has not been approved. But he is afraid that the government will use the budget to build in Chiang Mai first. Even though Songkhla-Hat Yai has brought in trillions of baht of money into the country. But the budget of tens of billions for the first electric train line in the provinces could not be built. In addition, airfare from Bangkok-Hat Yai It is expensive because the government has set a high price ceiling. In addition, the Land Bridge project has no interest in investing because it will not be cost-effective. The government must adjust the project by prioritizing the construction of deep-sea ports and motorways. Including the double track railway project to develop the qua lity of life and infrastructure of the southern region. Meanwhile, voices from the public sector reflect that they want a higher level of safety. and develop tourist attractions to be clean, beautiful, and worth visiting Adjust the landscape by placing electrical wires in the ground. As well as developing traffic and mass transit systems to make it easier to reach various places. In order to promote the tourism economy and ensuring that people have a good quality of life through welfare . Source: Thai News Agency