Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Order to expand “CBTx Lom Rak Community” to treat drug addicts

Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health, "Somsak" ordered the expansion of "CBTx Lom Rak Community" to cover the entire country. After helping treat the largest group of patients Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister As chairman of the committee for drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation Chaired the meeting of the Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Committee, with Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health, Mr. Kittikorn Lohsunthorn, Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Mr. Wichai Chaiyamongkol, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister. and the committee attended at the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health Mr Somsak said the government wants to keep drugs out of Thailand. But it's not easy. which requires integration of all sectors As for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug patients Those involved with this committee admit that it is a difficult matter. Because treatment for drug addicts is downstream, u pstream is the suppression of drug producers. In the past I must admit that Don't deal with the manufacturer seriously. Meanwhile, world society is keeping an eye on how Thailand will proceed. Because the source of drug production is next to Thailand. 'This committee Its duty is to slow down the number of people addicted to drugs. Ready to help ensure that there are no more people addicted to drugs. Including helping to integrate with upstream agencies. both suppression and seize assets By the situation of patients receiving treatment It has begun to increase in number. In 2023, there were a total of 195,604 patients, divided into 12,614 red patients, 5,089 orange patients, 3,269 yellow patients, and 174,632 green patients. As for new patients during 26 Feb. - 3 Mar. 2024, there were 532 people, making the cumulative number of patients in 2024 already 46,566 people, with the majority of patient groups Still green, the number is 36,825 people,' said the Deputy Prime Minister. Mr. Somsak further said that the treatment of green patients Therefore, it is important that now we are using the CBTx system for Lom Rak Community, which is to allow the community to participate in green patient care. who is a drug patient alone There are no psychiatric symptoms as well, which he believes should be present in every district. From now on, starting with approximately 200 districts in over 31 provinces, but with the situation of green patients It should be expanded to cover the entire country. As for the treatment of red patients, they are drug patients who also have psychiatric symptoms and are showing signs of being crazy. It should also be supported throughout the country. To increase efficiency in treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. Source: Thai News Agency