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SET announces SET Awards criteria for the year 2024

Bangkok, SET announces SET Awards criteria for the year 2024 and opens opportunities for those involved in the capital market. Submitting information to compete for awards in the Business Excellence and Sustainability Excellence groups, the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) together with Finance and Banking Journal revealed that this year's SET Awards have improved the criteria for the Best Investor Relations Awards and Best Asset Management Company Awards-ESG. by emphasizing the importance of supervision and sustainability This is in line with raising the level of supervision of listed companies. and the current world context and invite listed companies Including those involved in the capital market who are interested in participating in the SET Awards consideration, can submit information for consideration of the awards for the Business Excellence award group and the Sustainability Excellence award group before entering the consideration and award process in October 2024. Mr. Phakorn Pee Tathawatchai Dire ctor and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand revealed that the Stock Exchange of Thailand Entering its 50th year of operation Moving forward to create a future for every sector under the concept of Make it 'Work' for Every Future by organizing the 2024 SET Awards in conjunction with Finance and Banking Journal for the 21st consecutive year to honor companies that stand out as model organizations. in the capital market, both in terms of operations and quality Supporting the development of the potential of the Thai capital market Along with driving sustainable growth, 'The SET Awards are an important award that reflects an important mechanism in laying the foundation and raising the standard of excellence in the Thai capital market. and has been accepted in the Thai capital market circles and created pride for those who received the award. This year, the criteria for screening the preliminary qualifications for the SET Awards have been revised to be in line with the revised criteria of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. in raising the level of supervision of listed companies In order to increase confidence and stability in the Thai capital market. Stock Exchange Invitation to listed companies And those involved in the capital market who are interested in participating in the SET Awards consideration can submit information for consideration. both the Business Excellence and Sustainability Excellence award groups before going into the consideration process, announcing the results, and presenting the SET Awards in October 2024,' Mr. Phakorn said. In this regard, the type of award that the company must submit information for consideration of the award for the Business Excellence award group is the Best award. Investor Relations Awards, Best Innovative Company Awards, Deal of the Year Awards, Best Securities Company Awards and Best Asset Management Company Awards-ESG for the award group Sustainability Excellence includes the Sustainability Awards and the Supply Chain Management Awards. Other award categories are based on publicly available information. Mr. Santi Wiriyarangsarit Editor-in-Chief Journal of Banking and Finance The co-organizers of the SET Awards and the expert working group for judging the SET Awards said that the SET Awards have been continuously successful, with 2024 being the 21st year of the event. The working group has improved the criteria for the Best Investor award. Relations Awards and Best Asset Management Company Awards-ESG by adding more weight to sustainability to make it more appropriate for the current situation. that around the world places importance on continuous sustainability development The SET Awards are divided into 2 award groups: 1) Business Excellence Award group given to listed companies. Top executives of listed companies Securities company Asset Management Company financial advisory companies and real estate investment trusts; and 2) the Sustainability Excellence award group, which is given to listed companies. that have outstanding business operations according to sustainable d evelopment guidelines, both award groups have the Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University (SASIN) processing the awards. In addition, there is an Honorary Award of Achievement or SET. Awards of Honor are for companies or individuals who have been able to maintain their outstanding standing in various fields continuously for 3 years or more. Those interested can follow the details of the SET Awards criteria and the list of listed companies that have passed the preliminary qualification screening. at For more information about the Business Excellence award group, contact the issuer department at 0 2009 9768 and the award group. Sustainability Excellence Contact the Sustainable Investment Development Department 0 2009 9886. Source: Thai News Agency