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The heat is extremely hot and durian farmers rush to adapt to prevent the fruits from falling off.

Nakhon Ratchasima, Very hot! Durian farmers in Khonburi, Korat, hurry to adapt to the weather. Give durian water all day to prevent the fruit from falling off. Watch out for durian enemies. That can cause the plant to die. Officials from the Khon Buri District Agriculture Office, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, visited the area to survey the damage and give advice to durian farmers in the Khon Buri District area. Deal with and care for durian during extremely hot weather and long periods of drought. It was found that durian farmers in an area of ??more than 2,000 rai are now being affected by extremely hot weather for several weeks in a row. This has caused more than 40 percent of the durian fruit to fall off and they will also have to face aphids and durian pests. Therefore, it is recommended that farmers take care of and eliminate pests regularly. Before damage occurs that causes the durian tree to die. Mr. Sangkhom, 59 years old, a durian farmer at Ban Nong Makha, Chae Subdistrict, Khon Buri District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, said he planted over 100 durian trees on 3 rai of land in Khon Buri District. The weather is now very hot and temperatures have been above 40 degrees Celsius for several weeks. Make the durian that is having fruit Almost half fell off. Because the weather is very hot, the base of the durian tree dries out quickly. The problem must be solved by increasing the duration of watering the durian. Normally I would give durian water every other day, about 20 minutes a day, but now I have to give water every day. And increase the duration of watering to at least 30 minutes per round, emphasizing watering during periods when the sun is not as strong. So that the durian tree has more moisture. If the sun is very hot on any day The air is drier than usual. You must increase the time of watering as appropriate. And from the beginning, the grass had to be cut regularly at the base of the tree. For now, you need to leave it in place to allow the mulch to retain as much moisture around the base as possib le. So that the water that is poured on the durian remains. Moisturize the durian base for as long as possible. As for the problem of pests such as leafhoppers, that began to spread more Now I have to inspect the durian trees and get rid of pests more often. Never accidentally let it go. Because it is considered a serious enemy of the durian tree. It may cause the durian to eventually die. The latest report from the Khonburi District Agriculture Office states that the Khonburi District area It is one of the areas where durian is grown the most in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Generate more than 100 million baht of money into the area per year. However, due to the hot and dry weather this year, it is expected that durian production will decrease by no less than 40 percent, which may cause the money that should be gained from selling durian this year. This lost almost 50 million baht. Source: Thai News Agency